
If you would like to read the syllabus for the Life Science or Earth Science, please click on the links to access information such as classroom rules, the grading scale, and topics to be discussed.
One last thing that you might find interesting is a NASA picture of the day. Every picture has a great description of what you are seeing.


Classroom expectations

I expect you to:

1. Always think safety first. NO HORESEPLAY IN THE LAB AREA!
2. Be in the room and prepared for class when the period begins.
3. Do your own work and work on science in science class.
4. Respect each other, yourself, and science as a worthwhile subject.
5. Follow all school rules including the dress code.
6. Take responsibility for your own actions!

I will not tolerate:
1. Swearing, offensive language, or rudeness
2. Tardiness
3. Cell phones in the classroom
4. Cheating
5. Physical Contact – hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.
6. Unsafe Actions – anything that you intentionally do that puts you or someone else in danger
7. Defiance

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Answers to the Math Chapter 1 test

1. 15/27 < 3/5 <  2/3
2. 21.3
3. 8
4. 16.998 cents
5. D
6. they missed the perfect square of 196 (this is 14 squared)
7. 4 and 5 (you should be able to do this without a calculator)
8. 26
9. 24 (you should be able to do this without a calculator)
10. the area is the square root of 5 multiplied by the square root of 5 = 5 (square centimeters)
11. 25 cubic centimeters
12. 44,575 < S less than or equal to 70,000.... I don't have the less than or equal to symbol, so I wrote it out.
13. 18,450 < S less than or equal to 44,575.... I don't have the less than or equal to symbol, so I wrote it out.

15. the square of 2 is 4 and that is an even number
16. {1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 32}    you need the set symbols to receive full credit
17. {1, 4, 16} you need to have the set symbols
18. Putting -3, 0, and 5 into the given inequality, you have to find which are true... {-3, 0}
19. 13 and -13
20. you have to give me 2 sets where the intersection is no answer. Here is my example
{1, 2, 3} n {4, 5, 6}                         you could have an example as easy as this {1} n {2}
21. X + (X +2) + (X +4) = 3 times X +6
22. True (-5 is an integer)
23. 130.4 meters
24. C