
If you would like to read the syllabus for the Life Science or Earth Science, please click on the links to access information such as classroom rules, the grading scale, and topics to be discussed.
One last thing that you might find interesting is a NASA picture of the day. Every picture has a great description of what you are seeing.


Classroom expectations

I expect you to:

1. Always think safety first. NO HORESEPLAY IN THE LAB AREA!
2. Be in the room and prepared for class when the period begins.
3. Do your own work and work on science in science class.
4. Respect each other, yourself, and science as a worthwhile subject.
5. Follow all school rules including the dress code.
6. Take responsibility for your own actions!

I will not tolerate:
1. Swearing, offensive language, or rudeness
2. Tardiness
3. Cell phones in the classroom
4. Cheating
5. Physical Contact – hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.
6. Unsafe Actions – anything that you intentionally do that puts you or someone else in danger
7. Defiance

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

7th grade computers

With the job that you are interested in doing.. (and the amount of money you think you will make) we can calculate how much house you can afford... or if you decide on a house, we will determine how much you will have to pay the bank over the mortgage.

Mortgage calculator

Monday, December 19, 2011

8th Grade Chapter 8 Test practice

Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Sec 1: Earthquakes practice quiz

Sec 2: Volcanoes practice quiz

Sec 3: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics practice quiz

Chapter 8 Standardized test practice

Chapter review quiz

Sunday, December 18, 2011

7th grade Ch 12 review

Section 1:  Ideas about Evolution self check quiz

Section 2: Clues about evolution self check quiz

Section 3: Evolution of Primates self check quiz

Chapter 12 Standardized test practice

Chapter 12 Review quiz (this contains questions very similar if not identical to the section self check quizzes)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Extra work in excel

Here is an excel project that we are going to do to create a graph and do some mathematical work... in excel

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Grade 7 Chapter 12 Virtual lab

Studying natural selection and recording observations about changes in a population after 5 generations.
Here is a worksheet with 4 questions relating to the virtual lab.  Print the sheet out and answer the questions.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

7th grade practice for the chapter 10 test

Section 1 Self-Check Quiz

Try the first part of the virtual lab.  Remember inside the nucleus when the DNA is being copied to make new DNA, the T-A pair up and the C-G pair up.  In this instance, you are trying to make mRNA, so the C-G are still pairing up, the T-A pair is still happening (from the DNA to the mRNA) but the A-T pair is changed to a A-U when mRNA is being created

Friday, October 21, 2011


Here is a website that has 10 points that should be thought about when doing a PowerPoint.  I would suggest that you follow #1, #5, and #10.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 4 review 8th grade

It would be helpful to use the following questions to practice for the chapter 4 test (which is scheduled for this Wednesday).

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Chapter review quiz

Standardized test practice

7th grade practice for the chapter 9 test

Section 1 self check  I would say know questions ... 3-7, 9, 10
Section 2 self check I would say know questions ... 1-3, 5, 6
Section 3 self check I would say know questions ... 2-8
Chapter 3 Standardized practice test questions 2-5, 8-10
Chapter review quiz, questions 1-7 odd, 8-20

Monday, September 26, 2011

Practice for the 7th grade test

Chapter 8 Life's Structure and Classification

Section 1 Living things practice quiz

Section 2 How are living things classified practice quiz (I would like you to know questions 3-5)

Section 3 Cell Structure: The organelles. Practice quiz (I would like you to know questions 1, 4 &5)

Section 4 Viruses practice quiz

Chapter 8 review quiz (not questions 6, 7, 9, 12, 13)

Chapter 8 Standardized test practice (not question 2, 7)

The Summary at the end of each section contains the main points of what you just read.  The main ideas are also found in the Ch 8 study guide on page 239.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Practice for the 8th grade test

Section 1 review questions
(I do not like the way questions 14 and 15 are worded... I will not have a question on the test like these)

Section 2 review questions

You are expected to be able to balance the chemical equations in problems 7, 8, and 9 in the math practice.

Standardized test practice ... you can skip questions 7 & 8 due to repetition.

Answers to the Math Chapter 1 test

1. 15/27 < 3/5 <  2/3
2. 21.3
3. 8
4. 16.998 cents
5. D
6. they missed the perfect square of 196 (this is 14 squared)
7. 4 and 5 (you should be able to do this without a calculator)
8. 26
9. 24 (you should be able to do this without a calculator)
10. the area is the square root of 5 multiplied by the square root of 5 = 5 (square centimeters)
11. 25 cubic centimeters
12. 44,575 < S less than or equal to 70,000.... I don't have the less than or equal to symbol, so I wrote it out.
13. 18,450 < S less than or equal to 44,575.... I don't have the less than or equal to symbol, so I wrote it out.

15. the square of 2 is 4 and that is an even number
16. {1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 32}    you need the set symbols to receive full credit
17. {1, 4, 16} you need to have the set symbols
18. Putting -3, 0, and 5 into the given inequality, you have to find which are true... {-3, 0}
19. 13 and -13
20. you have to give me 2 sets where the intersection is no answer. Here is my example
{1, 2, 3} n {4, 5, 6}                         you could have an example as easy as this {1} n {2}
21. X + (X +2) + (X +4) = 3 times X +6
22. True (-5 is an integer)
23. 130.4 meters
24. C

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Expoloratory computers...

Edit this History of Gwinnett information by following the directions provided within the document.  Save this document in your Computers folder on the h drive.

Here is another document to edit.  It contains Organizing cities opportunities and again makes you correct some spelling mistakes, add a picture, change the font, font size, etc...

Here is another document to edit.  It contains Interesting Job opportunities and again makes you add a picture, change the font, font size, sort the data, etc...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

7th Grade:Chapter 19 Conserving Resources

Section 1 Resources Self-Check Quiz
Section 2 Pollution Self-Check Quiz
Section 3 The Three R's of Conservation
Chapter 19 Standardized Test Practice 
please note that in question 3 and 4 Section 1 = ASection 2 = BSection 3 = CSection 4 = D

Chapter 19 Review Quiz

Monday, April 25, 2011

Traveling to a different country

1. I want you to identify a city that you are traveling to (it can't be a well-known city... don't say "We went to Tokyo" because everyone knows you would be in Japan.

2. Research a custom or special activity that you can do.  (if you went to Japan, you could go to a dojo (karate house) and practice martial arts... or you could go to someone's house for supper and drink tea and wear a Kimono.

3. Determine how much this trip would cost for 10 people (This will be a gang of 10 people that are running around the globe with the stolen credit card.

My example
I like nature, so the group of credit card thieves traveled to Neiafu.  We went to this location to do some whale watching.  We went swimming with Humpback whales.  The whales travel to Neiafu to have their calves in the warm water and provide a location for the calves to grow.  Each person spent $95 of the local currency ($950 total for everyone) and we stayed at a Adventure Backpackers for $20 for each person per day for 2 days.  How much total money did we spend?

7th grade practice for the chapter 18 test

Section 1 self check

Section 2 self check

Section 3 self check

Standardized test practice

Chapter 18 review quiz

Virtual lab activity labeling the transfer of energy in a community

8th grade: Chapter 19 Force and Newton's laws

Section 1 Quiz

Section 2 Quiz

Section 3 Quiz

Standardized test practice

Chapter review Quiz

Friday, April 1, 2011

Studying for the Chapter 18 (Motion and Momentum) test

Section 1: What is motion quiz
Section 1 math help dealing with speed

Section 2: Acceleration = (the change in velocity)/ time  
or    = (final speed- initial speed)/time   (we should use a unit of direction)        
The acceleration unit is normally meters per second per second or m/s/s.
This is also known as m/s2 <------(squared)
Acceleration quiz
Acceleration math problems

Section 3: Momentum
key words - mass, inertia, conservation of momentum
Sec 3 Momentum practice quiz
Momentum- practice math questions

Chapter review
Practice test for chapter 18

Monday, March 28, 2011

Currency exchange examples...

Your job is to track the gang through its credit card trail. Follow the information about the countries they have visited and the amount that they charged on a stolen credit card. 
When you know the country, find out what the monetary unit is, check the exchange rate, and calculate how many dollars they spent. The credit card company is giving us the information in exchange for our help in tracking down the gang. All that they ask is help in figuring out the total amount of dollars that the gang spent. Here are the clues to help you find the gang. 

For each of the following, give the country, the foreign currency, and the dollar amount asked for (or the foreign currency amount, if given the dollar amount) Use the current exchange rate to do this.

1. The gang was first spotted in one of this country's provinces by the RCMP at a lacrosse match. They spent 450 on refreshments, and then stole a boat.
2. The gang turned up here, where they were spotted eating Fish and Chips at a cafe in Cardiff. They apparently stayed in a flat which they rented for the time that they were there. For the flat, they spent 1100
3. The gang then travelled through the Chunnel and took a TGV to Strasbourg, the tickets costing a total of 1500
4. The gang next turned up in Flanders at a speech given by King Baudouin I. They apparently gorged them selves on waffles, for they charged a cafe bill of 2100
5. The gang then went north to Narvik and bought up a large supply of lutefisk and smalahode to take with them as they skiied cross-country. The total food and travel bill that they charged was $152.98 . How much in the local currency?
6. They crossed the border on their skis, and were soon spotted in Goteborg buying lots of warm clothing, for which they charged 6000
7. Next, the gang was spotted cruising on the autobahn in this country, decked out in new lederhosen, which they bought in Bavaria at a cost of $200 . How much in the local currency?
8. The gang next was seen in Catalonia on their way to Malaga, where they consumed massive quantities of gazpacho and attending several festivals. Altogether, during their stay here, they charged 150,000
9. The gang appeared in the Po River valley here and went down to Calabria, where they crossed over to Palermo. En route, the gang bought biscotti and large amounts of parmesan and mozarella at a total cost of 45,000.
10. The gang couldn't be found for some time until they appeared in Madras, wearing sarees that they had purchased at a cost of $175.17. How much in the local currency?
11. The gang headed east and escaped local police in samlors following a low speed chase in the city of Chiang Mai. The gang was very grateful to their samlor driver and after paying the fare, gave him a large tip for a total of 600
12. The gang stayed out of sight until they were spotted playing mah-jong in Kowloon. Gang members gambled and lost big at mah-jong and it cost them 3,300
13. The gang continued on to Pusan, where they spent 250,000 on Taekwondo lessons. They then left for
14. The city of Kobe, where they rode the bullet train the length of the island. Of course they charged the train tickets at a total cost of $212.89. How much in the local currency?
15. The gang was last seen here, bushwalking in the outback, with a large supply of camping equipment they had bought in Darwin at a cost of 60,000.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Interactive Periodic Table of elements

This table is pretty awesome!

Here is a nice little quiz on protons, neutrons, and electrons PLEASE NOTE, in this quiz they use the word "MASS NUMBER" instead of the word "ATOMIC NUMBER"

Frogguts virtual dissection

1. Click on the below link

virtual dissection of a bullfrog
2. Click on demo on the upper right corner of the website.
3. Click on begin>> This is a short demo... try to identify parts of the frog such as the external nares (remember these from the pig lab?) or the tympanum... which is the external eardrum of the frog.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

7th grade practice for the chapter 10 test

Section 1 Self-Check Quiz

Try the first part of the virtual lab.  Remember inside the nucleus when the DNA is being copied to make new DNA, the T-A pair up and the C-G pair up.  In this instance, you are trying to make mRNA, so the C-G are still pairing up, the T-A pair is still happening (from the DNA to the mRNA) but the A-T pair is changed to a A-U when mRNA is being created

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7th grade practice for the chapter 9 test

Section 1 self check  I would say know questions ... 3-7, 9, 10
Section 2 self check I would say know questions ... 1-3, 5, 6
Section 3 self check I would say know questions ... 2-8
Chapter 3 Standardized practice test questions 2-5, 8-10
Chapter review quiz, questions 1-7 odd, 8-20

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

8th grade Chapter 9 test practice...

Section 1 practice quiz
Section 2 practice quiz
Section 3 practice quiz
Chapter 9 quiz
Chapter 9 practice test

Here are the answers for the Chapter 9 review found on pages 266-267 in your book...
10.  B
11.  C
12.  B
13.  D
14.  D
15.  C
16.  D
17.  D
18.  Decay can destroy organisms if they aren't buried fast enough.  Erosion destroys some rock layers.  Materials that have been buried very deep are often destroyed by metamorphosis.
19.  You could determine the absolute age of the lava, because it contains radioactive elements.  The relative age of the rocks above and below the lava flow can be determined.
20.  The volcanic ash would have been deposited very quickly (during one specific volcanic eruption).  Therefore you have a rock layer that you know is the same age everywhere.  This could also be dated using radioactive isotopes.
21.  The cold temperatures preserved the entire woolly mammoth.  This is similar to how freezing preserves foods. mmmmm woolly mammoth!
22.  The fossils that are trace fossils are:  dinosaur footprints, worm burrows, and fossil woodpecker holes.
       The fossils that are body fossils are: dinosaur skulls, insects trapped in amber, and fish teeth.
23.  I might make you draw a sketch of a disconformity or an angular unconformity.

There will most likely be a question or two related to the half-life lab that we did... as an example... how many half lives did the element go through if there is 25% of the original element and 75% of the daughter element present.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Open House

The Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah School District will have an open house this week Thursday.
Stop in to see what the middle school students are up to.

I hope to see you on Thursday, Feb 3rd from 5:00 - 7:00pm!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

7th grade (chapter 8) practice test questions

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3 (not question 3)
Section 4
Standardized test practice (not question 3, question 2 is incorrectly written... it doesn't label the cell wall)
Review Quiz (not 8, 13) 

We have also worked with the microscopes.  Be prepared to identify the related items that were frequently mentioned (revolving nosepiece, stage, coarse adjustment knob, fine adjustment knob, high-power objective, low-power objective). 

I would suggest completing the Chapter 8 review on page 240 in your book...
The answers for Q 11-15, 17-21, 24, 26, & 29
13. A

17. B
18. D
19. C
20. C

21. A couple of the following items shoudl be thought about... a bird is made up of cells, it uses energy (to fly/move), it breathes, reponds to the environment, reproduces, has a life-span, and maintains a constant body temperature.

24. Once a virus infects a cell it uses the cell to make more viruses.  No drugs kill viruses (they aren't living), so your immune system has to work to get rid of viruses (if that is possible... your body can't get rid of the HIV/AIDS virus)

26. circular muscle cell, small intestine, digestive system, human

29. prokaryotic cells don't have organelles (such as a nucleus, or chloroplasts, or mitochondria, etc).  A plant cell has a cell wall, chloroplasts.  Animal cells have neither the cell wall or chloroplasts.