
If you would like to read the syllabus for the Life Science or Earth Science, please click on the links to access information such as classroom rules, the grading scale, and topics to be discussed.
One last thing that you might find interesting is a NASA picture of the day. Every picture has a great description of what you are seeing.


Classroom expectations

I expect you to:

1. Always think safety first. NO HORESEPLAY IN THE LAB AREA!
2. Be in the room and prepared for class when the period begins.
3. Do your own work and work on science in science class.
4. Respect each other, yourself, and science as a worthwhile subject.
5. Follow all school rules including the dress code.
6. Take responsibility for your own actions!

I will not tolerate:
1. Swearing, offensive language, or rudeness
2. Tardiness
3. Cell phones in the classroom
4. Cheating
5. Physical Contact – hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.
6. Unsafe Actions – anything that you intentionally do that puts you or someone else in danger
7. Defiance

Monday, March 19, 2012

Webstarts Website

Here is an example of a website that I had created.  It focuses on traveling.  More particularly, the traveling that I have done.

The site has a small argumentative point of view... it should show my knowledge of the subject area.

I have not placed pictures into the website yet.  I have not hyper linked websites related to traveling, but I have created a video and linked the video in my website.

Rube Goldberg with simple machines

Click here to adjust a Rube Goldberg to use levers and pulleys to catch a criminal.

A Honda commercial with a intricate Rube Goldberg machine

Using a Rube Goldberg machine to turn on a light


Using a Rube Goldberg to crush a grape.


You can easily see the simple machines in this project, but the purpose of the experiment is not explained.

 Using a Rube Goldberg to pop a balloon.

This group did an excellent job describing the simple machines involved in their Rube Goldberg machine and the "easy task" of turning on the machine was completed.

The Purdue University's Rube Goldberg machine built to water a plant.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

8th Grade Chapter 20: Work and Simple Machines

Section 1: Work and Power quiz
Work (in joules) = force (in newtons) x distance (in meters)

Power (in watts) = work (in joules) / time (in seconds)

Section 2: Using Machines quiz

Mechanical advantage = output force (in newtons) / input force (in newtons)

Efficiency (in percent) = (output work (in joules) / input work (in joules)) x 100

Section 3: Simple Machines quiz

an inclined plane (uses less force over a longer distance)

Here is a description of an inclined plane (made by the text book)
A wedge and screw are examples of inclined planes

a lever allows you to mainly increase  output force (the trade-off is that you need to use less force over a greater distance)

Mechanical advantage = input distance / output distance

Here are 3 classes of levers

Another example of a lever called a wheel and axle.  The wheel and axle is two circular objects that rotate together.  The larger object is the wheel and the smaller object is the axle.

The mechanical advantage = wheel's radius / axle's radius

A fixed pulley is a rope or wheel that is used to change the direction of force.

A movable pulley allows you to use a smaller amount of force over a longer distance. (this gives you a mechanical advantage)

Here is the Standardized Practice Test (this is primarily a math quiz doing calculations related to mechanical advantage, work, power, etc)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Webstarts Websites

Here are a couple interesting websites that the 7th graders created.  The website should describe one of their interests, have pictures related to their interest, hyperlink another webiste, possibly have a video, etc.

Connor's website

Tasia's website

Dan's website

Anthony's website

Max's website

Jared's website

Claire's website

Raechel's website

Jordan's website

Sonia's website

Kayla's website

Allie's website

Cheyenne's website

Jeff's website

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

8th Grade Chapter 19: Force and Newton's laws

Section 1: Newton's first law - A change in motion is caused by a force

Section 2: Newton's second law - Connects force, acceleration, and mass

Section 3: Newton's third law - Action and Reaction

Standardized test practice

A video explaining a weightlessness/gravity/satellite motion

Math problems: solving simple equations... think about the problems before you answer A

Concentration Game

Monday, March 5, 2012

Endocrine System assignment

Research a disorder of the endocrine system.
Create 3 questions as if you were interviewing a person with one of the following endocrine disorders.

1. Acromegaly                  Last names starting with A-D
2. Addison's disease         Last names starting with E-H
3. Cushing's Syndrome    Last names starting with I-L
4. Diabetes                       Last names starting with M-P
5. Giantism                      Last names starting with Q-T
6. Graves' disease            Last names starting with U-Z

Provide reasonable answers to the questions that you have asked. 
An example of a good question is “How is your life different from a person that doesn’t have ____________?”

Research/Think about new ways the condition is being treated and how this has improved the life of a person with the disease.