
If you would like to read the syllabus for the Life Science or Earth Science, please click on the links to access information such as classroom rules, the grading scale, and topics to be discussed.
One last thing that you might find interesting is a NASA picture of the day. Every picture has a great description of what you are seeing.


Classroom expectations

I expect you to:

1. Always think safety first. NO HORESEPLAY IN THE LAB AREA!
2. Be in the room and prepared for class when the period begins.
3. Do your own work and work on science in science class.
4. Respect each other, yourself, and science as a worthwhile subject.
5. Follow all school rules including the dress code.
6. Take responsibility for your own actions!

I will not tolerate:
1. Swearing, offensive language, or rudeness
2. Tardiness
3. Cell phones in the classroom
4. Cheating
5. Physical Contact – hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.
6. Unsafe Actions – anything that you intentionally do that puts you or someone else in danger
7. Defiance

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Excel... bank statement

We will try to create formulas in order to just "plug-in" numbers into a bank statement and have it compute the money left in the account.... here is a picture from one that I created...

Monday, January 23, 2012

8th grade Chapter 10 test practice

Chapter 10: Geologic Time

Section 1: Life and Geologic time practice quiz

Section 2: Early Earth History practice quiz

Section 3: Middle and Recent Earth History practice quiz

Review quiz... practice for the all of Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Standardized test practice

Test your math skills by doing the Math Practice... calculating percentages of surviving organisms after the major extinctions.  (Don't think you can get away by answering A on every question that I give you on the test)

7th Grade Ch 14 Review

Digestion (the intake of food/getting the nutrients from the food), Respiration (process of unlocking the energy found in food, so that your body can use it), and Excretion (getting rid of wastes)

Section 1 Quiz: The digestive system

Section 2 Quiz: Nutrition

Section 3 Quiz: The respiratory system

Section 4 Quiz: The excretory system

Chapter 14 Review Quiz

Interactive True/false questions related to Digestion, Respiration, and Excretion

Virtual Lab: How do parts of the Respiratory system work together?

Standardized Test Practice

Thursday, January 12, 2012

8th grade Chapter 9 test practice...

Section 1 practice quiz
Section 2 practice quiz
Section 3 practice quiz
Chapter 9 quiz
Chapter 9 practice test

Here are the answers for the Chapter 9 review found on pages 266-267 in your book...
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. D
17. D
18. Decay can destroy organisms if they aren't buried fast enough. Erosion destroys some rock layers. Materials that have been buried very deep are often destroyed by metamorphosis.
19. You could determine the absolute age of the lava, because it contains radioactive elements. The relative age of the rocks above and below the lava flow can be determined.
20. The volcanic ash would have been deposited very quickly (during one specific volcanic eruption). Therefore you have a rock layer that you know is the same age everywhere. This could also be dated using radioactive isotopes.
21. The cold temperatures preserved the entire woolly mammoth. This is similar to how freezing preserves foods. mmmmm woolly mammoth!
22. The fossils that are trace fossils are: dinosaur footprints, worm burrows, and fossil woodpecker holes.
The fossils that are body fossils are: dinosaur skulls, insects trapped in amber, and fish teeth.
23. I might make you draw a sketch of a disconformity or an angular unconformity.

There will most likely be a question or two related to the half-life lab that we did... as an example... how many half lives did the element go through if there is 25% of the original element and 75% of the daughter element present.