
If you would like to read the syllabus for the Life Science or Earth Science, please click on the links to access information such as classroom rules, the grading scale, and topics to be discussed.
One last thing that you might find interesting is a NASA picture of the day. Every picture has a great description of what you are seeing.


Classroom expectations

I expect you to:

1. Always think safety first. NO HORESEPLAY IN THE LAB AREA!
2. Be in the room and prepared for class when the period begins.
3. Do your own work and work on science in science class.
4. Respect each other, yourself, and science as a worthwhile subject.
5. Follow all school rules including the dress code.
6. Take responsibility for your own actions!

I will not tolerate:
1. Swearing, offensive language, or rudeness
2. Tardiness
3. Cell phones in the classroom
4. Cheating
5. Physical Contact – hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.
6. Unsafe Actions – anything that you intentionally do that puts you or someone else in danger
7. Defiance

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chapter 5 test practice (7th and 8th Grades)

8th grade test practice-The Nonliving Environment

Ch. 5 practice problems

Here is 1 link to study for the chapter 5 test.  You can access the Section 1 Self-Check quiz- Section 3 Self-Check quiz, Chapter review quiz, Standardized test practice, and there are also websites that can be visited (in the Web links section) that talks about Photosynthesis (and cellular respiration) .... and Extreme environments found on earth.

The test will have the same format as the Ch. 2-4 tests.  True/false questions, Multiple choice, vocabulary matching, and an essay question.

7th grade test practice-Weather

7th Grade Chapter 5 practice problems

Tuesday, November 16, 2010